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Show Driving

Show driving events, often termed harness classes, can be seen at most agricultural shows including Royal Shows and are often divided into light and heavy horse sections.

Programs typically include classes for turnouts, for horses and ponies and for drivers. In turnout classes the horse, vehicle, harness and general appearance are judged, whilst the other classes concentrate on the performances of the horses/ponies or on the drivers.

Classes for light harness horses and ponies are usually divided into height groups, and are sometimes also divided by breed such as hackney and non hackney. Horses and ponies are judged according to the way they perform at different paces, in their individual workouts. Vehicles often used in the light harness show ring include viceroys and buggies (4 wheelers) and sulkies, jinkers and gigs ( 2 wheelers).

Heavy horses are catered for in the Business and Delivery classes, with divisions of classes often according to trade or to the type of heavy horse. Tradesman’s carts and vans, breaking in gigs, delivery wagons and drays are typically seen, being pulled by single horses as well as pairs and teams.

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