The Range Carriage Club Inc. began in 2003 and is based in the Toowoomba Region of the Darling Downs. We are a very friendly, enthusiastic, and very active club that covers a wide range of driving disciplines.
We cater for the inexperienced beginner and Juniors, through to the experienced, whether you're into a pleasure drive in the country, the speed and precision of a CDE or maybe showing and dressage are more your style, we have them all.
A majority of our events are held at the Goombungee Showgrounds north of Toowoomba, but we do have events all over the Darling Downs.
We held the 2015 National Australian Carriage Driving Society (ACDS) Show Driving Championships at the Toowoomba Showgrounds

More About Us

Goombungee Showgrounds
5 Lau Street
Goombungee QLD 4354
PIC Number: QHRA0494
For camping enquiries please call 0474 640 698